Yet another case of moving into an apartment with no instructions on how to use the rather dated sound system... I'm awaiting info from a very slow-to-respond landlord in the UK, but in the meantime I thought I'd ask the illustrious community for help!
The images will show the setup, but I've got:
- Two large Mordaunt Short speakers, a centre speaker, and around 4 ceiling speakers (the ones I'm really interested in activating) which appeared to be quite expensive back in the day
- An FMJ AV9 PreAmp Processor (without an AC cable to power it)
- An FMJ P7 Multi Channel Amplifier (without an AC cable to power it)
Additionally, on the walls I have:
- 2 sets of audio cable intakes (4 entries each) positioned next to the large speakers, leading me to assume this is where they are plugged in...
- 2 sets of audio cable intakes (8 entries each) positioned behind the Preamp/amps, leading me to assume this is where they are plugged in...
- 1 set of audio cable intake (2 entries) to the far left of the wall, and another one behind the preamps (refer to pics)
I've got the problem broken down into parts, but despite considering myself tech-savvy, I'm really struggling here.
- Somehow getting the soundsystem to work but I have no clue what goes where, especially for the speakers on the ceiling. I need them to be powered and operational. I also need to power the Amps but haven't bought any AC cables for them.
- Feeding the soundsystem with the audio I want (either from the TV which has HDMI, the Google TV plugged into it, or in an ideal world a bluetooth device/Alexa Echo). However, given the age of this system, it doesn't look like it has bluetooth and I'd need to buy an adapter of some sort to plug it in.
Final point is that if possible I'd like to do this for the lowest amount of money. I don't need a state of the art setup with incredibly expensive gold cables or using both the PreAmp + Amp if it's unnecessary, just a basic speaker system as it feels like a massive shame to let these speakers go unused!
Any input would be
massively appreciated - I've googled a bit but am still drawing blanks (apart from knowing that RCA cables aren't the right tool here...). Which cables should I buy? How should I plug them in? How should I power the devices?
Thanks everyone!