Hey Guys,
I got a Yamaha HTR-5830 new at frys a couple of months ago, and all of a sudden it's not outputting sound to the speakers in 5.1 mode... was wondering if you guys can help me out.
I got a PS2 connected (component video and optical cable as input A)
An Xbox connected (component video and optical cable w/ input B)
and a Gamecube with composite video and audio.
I was playing w/ the xbox (with normal sound level, not blasted or anything) when all of a sudden the sound just stopped. I wasnt anywhere near the remote control so its not me pressing mute or changing the settings. And I know its not the xbox because I got frustrated and removed everything and connected only the xbox component video and composite audio, and the reciever works in "stereo" mode.
So it seems to me that only 5.1 is affected. The settings should be correct because everything was working before, and i double checked to make sure the input settings were correct. Anything else i should check before i call the yamaha ppl? Thought it might be easier to post on here then to go thru customer service (im dreading it). Thanks in advance for your help.