Hi all,
Hope this is the correct place to post this???
Looking for some help if possible???
I was bought a new TV a few weeks ago as a surprise as i was kinda living in the dark ages with my huge TV.
I have a Samsung UE40J6300 now and I'm really impressed by it but i decided to treat myself to a sound bar for it i decided to get a SAMSUNG HWJ355 as i don't have a huge budget and noticed it got some half decent reviews.
Now the issue i have is... When i connect this to the TV how do i do this so that my PS4, Blu ray and skybox all work? Do i have to connect them all to the TV as they are now via HDMI then connect the sound bar to the TV via optical or HDMI?
I read too many things and confuse myself half the time people saying connect x to y and the y to z
I just want all the audio for all the connected devices to work through the sound bar without the need to swap cables over??
apologies if all this is very basic but sometimes having that old huge TV was so much simpler
Thanks in advance...