So I got my HE6se v2's from Adorama a couple weeks ago...
They sounded really good out of the box. No complaints at all except how power hungry they were, and how my SH-9/SU-9 stack wasn't enough.
But then my balanced cable arrived, which allows my amp to push twice the power. And then I installed the new grills purchased from eBay
router login . I put up pics before if you click my profile.
This is the most insanely wide, open, clear, tight, deep, amazing thing I've ever heard. I also own the LCD-X and LCD-2C. Those sound unbelievable as well, but this is something else. I had no idea what a dramatic difference more power and more open grills would make.
If you own the HE6's and haven't grill modded or given them ample power, you are missing out in such a big way.
These sound so good that my mind kept thinking the sound was coming from my LS50 Metas.