Hello everyone,
Not sure if the title of my post is clear enough, but it's the simplest way I could sum up what I wanted to ask.
Essentially what I am looking for and asking here about would be a receiver that when connected to a source (PS3, HD-DVD, Blu-Ray, Xbox 360...) via HDMI would allow the video portion of the HDMI signal to pass through unchanged and unprocessed while taking the audio portion and processing it as needed (or in the case of PCM allowing it to be played as the source sees fit...I think). My thoughts behind this are simple, I do not want to spend a decent sum of money and the time researching a good high def dvd player of either format, only to have the receiver affect the picture quality I am going to see on my display (as seen on reviews even here on the audioholics site).
So is there a receiver out there that does this? Or am I stuck using a different setup (HDMI switcher with two outputs, one going to the receiver and the other to my display) that is just going to cost me more money?
Thanks in advance!