So, I'm wondering how important the HDMI protocol level is to the audio side of A/V setups. My source is a Cambridge CXUHD, which handles HDMI 2.0 and has an audio-only output in addition to the combined output. My TV also handles 2.0, and I'm running the combined feed to it, while running the audio to my pre/pro, which is currently a NuForce AVP-18, which I think only accommodates 1.4. I am considering replacing it with an Anthem AVM-50v, which only does 1.3. My system is only set up as 5.1, and I think the disc player can only handle 7.1 anyway. So, the question is: am I missing out on anything by running the audio through the 1.4 capacity, and will I miss out on anything more by going to 1.3? I looked at the protocols, and it seems like most of the upgrades are on the video side, but I've heard there are some copyright issues? I also am not totally sure how to interpret some of the jargon.