I have a ONKYO HT-R640 receiver, with an onkyo DVD player, surround speakers etc. I love it.
When I was first setting it up, I was trying to hook up the HDMI OUT on the receiver to my Dell 24" widescreen monitor, which doesn't have HDMI, but does have DVI. I got an HDMI <--> DVI cable, and set to work.
Being impatient, while trying to get the HDMI <--> DVI connection to work, at some point I didn't have the receiver turned off while plugging/unplugging the HDMI, and there was a zap. And then I couldn't get it to work at all. Assuming I zapped the HDMI OUT port, I switched to S-Video and went on (S-video quality is fine for me).
Now I have an XBOX 360, and while I can plug it into an old TV via S-video, I want the widescreen display, otherwise I can't see all the HUD info for games.
I'm connecting the XBOX HDMI <--> Receiver HDMI IN .... Receiver HDMI OUT <--> Monitor DVI.
I can get a picture on the monitor for just a a second, and then I get fuzz. This happens about every 5 seconds. Fine picture/sound, and then it fuzzes out to static. Again and again.
I'm not an audiophile, so I'm hardly an expert on all the various connections one can use, so I'm unsure if 1) I have something set up incorrectly, 2) I zapped the HDMI OUT and this is just a symptom of that (and I'm hosed), or 3) I zapped the HDMI <-->DVI cable, and can buy a new one.
Does this ring any bells with you experts? Any suggestions? While I'm not great with sound/video systems, I am a computer geek, so I have the ability to follow directions and test methodically. I have the means to get a new cable and test that, but thought I'd try here first before shelling out that money.
Thanks, all!
newbie swanberg