Ok, I just got my panny plasma and HD-A3 hooked up last night. I have a HDMI cable running from the HD-A3 to my Sony Reciever STR-DG510 and then another HDMI cable running from the reciever to the Panny. Right now I have great picture and sound from the tv, but the reciever is not picking up the surround sound. Do I have to also run an optical cable to get the surround sound? I thought all I needed was the HDMI cable. The manual for the reciever shows a HDMI cable and a optical cable running from the HD-DVD player to the reciever, but the HD-DVD player manual only shows the HDMI cable. Is there some kind of setting I need to change to get this to work? There was some stuff about PCM and bistream in the audio setup of the HD-A3, is there something I need to change with this? Please help.