....sheesh. I have delayed upgrading for sooooo long, it isn't even funny.
The changes in technology have put me off in recent years. HD is great, but I prefer the comfort of a physical tape/disc or any physical medium that I can store away for safe keeping...etc, etc...The whole idea of everything being stored on a hard drive turned me off. Yea...I know you can burn to Blu-Rays..etc, etc...but that's just one more thing to do!! IMO
I've owned two video cameras over the years. I bought my first video camera (8mm) before my daughter was born in 1997 and my 2nd camera (digital Hi-8mm)shortly before my son was born in 2002.
I've shot very little home video in recent years because everything we watch on TV is HD. I knew it was time to upgrade...I just didn't want to do it!!
I dropped my kids off WED night at a function, and I decided to swing by BB to kill some time. Anyway... so I pull the trigger and buy a camera in 2 minutes without doing any research. I am behind the times, but I am not completely in the dark..... I knew
'sort of' what I wanted in a camera.
This is what I chose........ I didn't want to spend a lot, but I wanted to buy something that was at least respectable for home video purposes.
I knew I didn't want a flash drive camera, this had the biggest HD....so I picked this.........kid you not...in 2 minutes......
Since then, I've spent an hour reading the owners manual and familiarizing myself with the features....geez....it even has GPS for Gods sake!! There are so many features, you have to read a book to know how to work the damn thang!!
Does anyone know this camera? So far...I think it'll do what I need just fine.
Any comments?