I recently purchased a Mitsubishi WS-55813 and am upgrading my other components around the television. Right now I am looking for a good DVD player under $300. Is there any reason to go with an "upscaling" DVD player (such as the Samsung HD-941, Sony DVP NS-975V, panasonic DVD S97S, or Toshiba SD-5970)? My understanding is that the Mitsubishi upscales the signal to 1080i (it does not support 720p). If that is the case, is there any reason to buy anything other than a good 480p Progressive DVD player? (and can someone make a suggestion in my price range)
Also, for those of you who are in the know with the Mitsubishi WS-55813, is there a particular setting I have to enable to cause the upconversion, or is it automatic? Right now I have an old Sony 480i DVD player and although the picture is quite good on the Mitsubishi, I haven't seen anything in HDTV yet.