You can get a lot of stuff in that price range, Outlaws xmass sale gets you a marantz 7701 {$1700 pre/pro} with a outlaw 7900 {300x7}{$3500 amp) for $3999, Or for $3688 you can get an EMO XPR2 {600x2} and an XPR5 {400w x2} .... I will bet if you demo them all you will like the emos best... I heard a 7.2 that had them two emo amps and a pair of XPR1 {1000 watts ea} running two custom made subs with 4 ohm 18's... It was intense for sure, his opus 2-3 fronts sounded insane... The best part is this was all in an apartment, lol although the apartment was in the Victor at North Station in Boston, we were at a small going away party for a friend, that place is amazing, but at $5000 a month it should be...
I would go bang for buck over name plate...