Hi Guys,
i finally made my test with the oscilloscope to confirm what i talked about in this thread.
In the configuration menu, I did put all the 7 channels equal to 0dB,
and all 7 speakers as Large,
after, i made a constant tone with audacity, a steady 90 seconds of 40Hz tone.
My Master volume at @ -20dB
So, on the rear channel, i read on the scope a peak-to-peak voltage of 255mV.
On the front channel, i could read on the scope a peak-to-peak voltage of 665mV.
So, that confirms that in 7 channel stereo mode, it is not the same power everywhere. Not at all.
On the scope, just for fun, i tried to on the front channel, turn down the volume -8dB (from -20dB to -28dB) , and at -28dB i have the same voltage as the rear channel. Crazy, eh?!
I'm glad that it wasn't in my head, but i bit disapointed,
i really love that amp, but i would really prefer having a 7 channel mode equally distributed, for party.
If i compare the sound of the 7550HD and an XPA-5, is that about the same quality ? (of course i know that XPA-5 is more powerful, but about the sound itself ?)
Thank you all...