FWIW, when I was looking for a midpriced receiver I went with HK (a DPR 1001), mainly because of the comprehensive bass management, reputation for conservatively rated amp sections (even though I'll ultimately be using outboard power amps), nice remote...and just because I liked their looks!
But really, the choice reflected my priorities, tastes and prejudices - YMMV! So I'd say look at their features with an eye to how useful to you they will be (maybe you won't need or want selectable crossover points for every speaker or speaker pair like the HK offers), play with their remotes and front panel controls to see which are more user-friendly to you and your friend and make the choice that way.
Since good electrical and sonic performance is pretty much a given in mainstream gear, the choice between receivers (and other audio components except speakers) in a given price range comes down to features, build quality, amp power (meaning honestly rated continuous or RMS power -- see the "All Channels Driven Controversy" article on Audioholics for starters), ergonomics/user-friendliness, and intangibles like styling and the look and feel of controls and the user interface.