I'm new to the forum and this is my first post. I am in the process of building my own mini home theater in my living room. I have a 42" LCD from Sharp. It runs at 1080p resolution. I have an Xbox 360 and a PS2 for gaming (Two optical connections right there).
I am in the market for a home theater in a box. I have been doing some research over the past few weeks. My budget is around 400 to 450$. I have narrowed it down to the Haman Kardon CP55 vs. the Panasonic SCPT 960.
Both have their advantages. From an audio standpoint, the HK is definitely a better choice given that the individual components are sold separately for much higher price. Also, it has great connectivity options. However, it does not do HDMI upconversion.
The Panasonic is great from a visual and convenience standpoint. The system has a rear wireless setup and has HDMI upconversion for DVDs. It lacks connectivity in a big way.
Whats the best way to go? Should I sacrifice the upconversion for the sheer audio power of the CP55? Or, should I choose the convenience of the panasonic system and maybe buy a better receiver in the future (when the wallet permits)?
Any help is welcome.