dpnaugle said:
I always end up spending more then I budget. Grrrrrrrr.
Anyway, I am trying to decide on a sub. One I can use to grow with my room size. Currently my room is 1800 cu ft with 1000 cu ft directly adjacent. I expect it to be a more dedicated 2500-3000 cu ft within the year.
I have auditioned and like the:
M&K MX350 THX - kind of a beast, but my dealer says he will let a floor model go for 1300.
Velodyne DD12 – I really like it. Beautiful! but no price break and it’s about 1000 more then I want to spend. But I really like it. A lot
SVS PB12-plus/2. Have not auditioned it but it has some pretty good reviews.
Any suggestions out there
If you want the Velodyne product, find a dealer who's not such a tightwad and get a good deal on it. That product has some room for a markdown in it.
M&K makes a great product. Chances are good that the reason he is selling you the floor model is because he can't get a new one in-stock. M&K has been having some brutal supply problems for a long time now. My only concern if you go with the M&K (a really really nice sub) is that they eventually won't be here to service you long term.... that's been the word on the street at least.
Without a doubt, though, the M&K 350 is a great sub and gets my vote because of the markdown the dealer is willing to take to move it, and regardless of my speculating on the company's future.
A little history on the M&K350: It was the featured sub used in the dedicated theatre for
Home Entertainment magazine's "Project of the Year"; Jan/Feb 2006. In the article, Bliss Home Theaters & Automation (who did the design & integration) even mentioned the stock supply problems M&K was having. They mentioned having to purchase the 350 twenty at a time due to fear of M&K not getting anymore in.... ever.