Had a rx v659 now want a rx v2700



Hi all
I have been trying to get some kind of an idea on how close do these sound .I know the price difference .I had the 659 and also had the HK 354 and 340 and onkyo 805 and 806 , the marantz 6001 and 8001 here to test it the last 4 months or so .I seem to lean towards the HK by a small margin .I like the lows and highs very much but I think mids are not pronounced enough .The marantz have very good detailed sound but not the punch I was looking for .The Yami 659 was ok the bass was good but had no punch overall and sort of dead highs sounded lifeless to me more so like the Denon 2106 I had for a year but the denon had better upper end than the Yamaha .These are all my preferences and do not mean to upset anyone So to my question , how different does the rx v1700 or rx v 2700 sound than the rx v659 .The speakers I am using for testing are the athenas Asf2 and all athena surrounds


without auto eq applied they shouldnt sound different at all. How large is your room?


Audioholic Overlord
Yes, as stated above, they all sound the same. The 659 is a powerhouse and my favorite Yammy of all time. It would push my Paradigm 100's almost as good as my ext. amp. The only reason to ever up grade from the 659 would be if it is missing some of the new features you want/need.(HDMI, and the new codecs)


Hi again
I live in a condo so most of my music listening is around -40 to -30 on the volume .My listening area is like two rooms living room and dinning room side by side .The living room is 20x15 feet .The one receiver that drove the Athenas the best on these volumes was the onkyo sr 805 and sounded very good too but I had to find out what the others sounded like so it went back .I also tried the 659 in my bedroom with a pair of athenas LS 500 but i did not like the sound there ether .If as you said the two yamahas sound close to each that really answers my question .I was hoping for an improvement on the new ones .
Thanks again
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Audioholic Overlord
Improvement only comes from speakers, acoustic treatments and proper calibration.

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