I'm looking to replace my Yamaha rx-v995. The 995 is fine, but I'm hoping to go to the next level. Money is tight so I'm looking at closeout models. They will drive five norh 4.0 speakers for 50/50 split hometheater and music. I am much more critical soundwise with HT though. I expect it to be spectaular. For music I am more of a causual listener with a cheap mega redbook CD player. The ratio of HT to music could change to include lots of TV. Right now I only use my 995 for a couple of HBO shows. Dolby PL II could change this for me. I've never had it.
I trust the Yamaha more just because I am familiar with Yamaha and I think HK is more likely to have quality problems. I believe the HK probably has better amps and I'm tempted to give it a try, but I don't have the kind of cash to buy a receiver on the chance it might be great. Whatever I buy won't be replaced for three years. The 995 is almost seven years old. One thing I don't like about my 995 is changing the sub's level as I switch from movies to music. I'm pretty sure I can set different sub setting on the HK for different inputs, I don't know about the 2500.
I don't think demoing is going to help because unless you have the receiver in your house with your speakers you don't learn a lot.
The last option would be trying a Panasonic digital amped receiver. I believe these digital amps are the future, but I don't know if I should get one now or wait 3 years until they are perfected.
Thanks for any thoughts.