Guitar Hero - The Future New Coke



Audioholics Robot
Staff member
It seems like only yesterday we were hearing about the newest phenomena in video gaming, the meteoric rise of music games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Activision - Blizzard, the group behind blockbusters like World of Warcraft and the Call of Duty series, announced it will end the Guitar Hero franchise on February 9 and shut down the division that produced it. The decision follows closely behind Viacom Inc’s sale of Harmonix, the developers of Rock Band after one too many money losing fiscal quarters. But does this spell the end of music games or even the Guitar Hero franchise? Not likely!

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Audioholic Spartan
I love me some Guitar Hero, but they really need to start putting better songs on the games. I think they should have polls on their website to determine what songs should be on the next game, that way more people are likely to buy it.
Wayde Robson

Wayde Robson

Audioholics Anchorman
I'm surprised GH or RB or any of those games haven't released a SDK so you can make your own songs. Just an in-game tool so you can make an avatar play a song you upload into the game and then you can set the guitar moves and stuff yourself. That'd be cool.

Althought I don't know enough about the game to know if it's really doable. I've only seen it played at parties and gave it a whirl here and there.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm surprised GH or RB or any of those games haven't released a SDK so you can make your own songs. Just an in-game tool so you can make an avatar play a song you upload into the game and then you can set the guitar moves and stuff yourself. That'd be cool.

Althought I don't know enough about the game to know if it's really doable. I've only seen it played at parties and gave it a whirl here and there.
I believe you can in fact do that with the latest Rock Band. It's called the Rock Band Network.


Audioholic Jedi
I knew this one was a fad the first time I played the first Guitar Hero game. It was fun to play through that one, but I really didn't have a need to play any of them beyond that.

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