I agree entirely. Pricing on HDTV sets is still way more than they should be. You really don't see almost anything in the cheap places to shop. Wal-Mart, Target, etc. Those places that carry inexpensive TVs have their shelves lined with 4:3 displays, and new 4:3 displays arriving daily. Those are what a lot of people are going out to buy right now.
Forget about replacing that set in the next 5 years either! Those are 10 year sets for a lot of people. I still have both my 4:3 sets that I bought 10+ years ago, and they work great. Why would I replace it with something else?
Okay, yes, I already replaced them, and moved them to other rooms, but the point is, that they are now 'spare' sets. Not everyone can afford to have spare televisions around.
I think HD content is a different issue altogether though. I WANT HD programming. I am not buying DVDs right now. I'm saving my DVD buying money for HD discs. DVDs, in my opinion, are a dead format to me. They have been dead for over a year - for me. The quality jump to HD discs will be phenomenal and I want that. I don't want to repurchase half my collection on HD discs, so I'm not buying anything until I get an HD player. Probably a PS3.
Will it be enough to push more consumers to HD? Probably not a big push, but it will definitely be a push. I think the PS3 with Blu-Ray and HD gaming, combined with the XBox360 will be the biggest pushes for HD displays in quite a while. Once a 8 year old plays some HD gaming, he will start bugging his parents to see the difference.
Whiny kids get results.