The Sony ereader Touch (PSR-600) is going to be my gift to myself. I love to read but long since ran out of bookcase room. I have already downloaded Sony's reader software onto my pc.
I have already purchased 5 books from & downloaded & have read them.
You can increase the size of the font both on the reader & the pc so you have less eyestrain.
More & more websites are coming up to sell ebooks so that you aren't just stuck with buying books from Sony.
I originally was going to go with a Kindle, but when they turned around & deleted one of George Orwells books that they said was an illegal version, I got turned off, then add in their what seems to be 9.95 cost for all their books I said forget about it. It seems that price fixing isn't illegal for ebooks.
What I love about the Sony is although I need to hookup to the pc to download books, once done, THOSE BOOKS ARE MINE! I can backup my books onto a cd or memory discs & I don't have to worry about anyone deleting them on me like Amazon did!
I will also be able to read & listen to music at the same time when I take it with me on the road.
I'm going to enjoy getting my Sony reader & catching up on all the books I've been wanting to get for a long time!