I'd like some suggestions of what you would consider good sounding,neutral-toned CD's. I have quite a mix of classic rock from 60's to present day stuff & while a lot of it sounds good,some of it sounds sibilant. Putting it simply,I'm trying to gauge if what I'm hearing is considered clean,bright,dull,etc. Yes,I know this is very subject to every individuals' taste,but I'd still like to hear your opinions. I attended a lot of rock concerts in my younger years & I guess I'd like to figure out how screwed up my ears are now.
For instance,I think Mark Knopflers'"Sailing to Philadelphia sounds laid back,almost flat,while Soul Asylums' "Runaway Train" sounds nice & neutral,maybe a tad bright if anything. On several tracks of Madonnas' "Immaculate collection" her voice sounds sibilant. Of course,maybe thats just Madonna.
Yes,I just got new speakers(Axioms) & I like them,am gonna keep 'em,but due to the fact that comparing speakers can be difficult because, not only are some not available to listen to,but many times you don't get to compare them on the same electronics, one doesn't know how close or how far away they are from producing their best sound. For instance, I demo'ed the Paradigm studio 100's on top Rotel equipment & they sounded great,but what would they sound like with my Yammy?
So,once again,I'm looking for your valued opinions.