good dvd's to check surround?



what dvd's are really good.what i mean is what dvd's give the best surround experience. maybe some movies that you can recommend,or music dvd's.thanks


Audioholic Chief
You may want to check this thread <a href=>Here</a>.

Not to be the resident prick around here, but you can find most of what you need just by searching for it. Most likely, if you have a question, especially one as general is this, it has already been answered and there is already a thread about it.

Also, posting in the right forum will get you better answers faster (and it just helps keep this place a little cleaner!). :D

mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
dragonheart (not found in the thread Chuck linked)



thanks for the link chuck,sorry for posting so general of a question,i am new to the forum scene and pretty new to the internet also,but i will certainly take the time in the future to do a search and check previous threads first.


Senior Audioholic
Since you're new to the net and all...

Here are a few just to get you started:
Saving Private Ryan DTS:ES special edition
The Day After Tomorrow
Any of the Lord of the Rings trilogy Special editions in DTS:ES
Don't laugh at these, but:
Finding Nemo
The Incredibles
Monsters Inc.
If you have kids these are great and personally, I could watch The Incredibles's a very good movie on both an adult and on childrens levels.


Seriously, I have no life.
johnyk said:
thanks for the link chuck,sorry for posting so general of a question,i am new to the forum scene and pretty new to the internet also,but i will certainly take the time in the future to do a search and check previous threads first.

Not to worry. I know how hard it is to navigate message boards and when you new to all of this, is even more difficult.:D
You'd have to know to look for the right box to open, etc.:D
Many have had the same problems; a few may have been born with that innate knowledge though:D

I would add a DVD DD disc by Delos, DVD Spectacular, DV7001. Besides some test tracks, it has music and 4 Dolby logo theater trailers, very aggressive.


Audioholic Chief
johnyk said:
thanks for the link chuck,sorry for posting so general of a question,i am new to the forum scene and pretty new to the internet also,but i will certainly take the time in the future to do a search and check previous threads first.
Yeah man! I totally didn't want to sound like a prick, I figured you were new around here. Search is your friend! If you find a thread that already has what you need, then you don't need to waste your time typing up a thread, then waiting for the rest of us to give you answers!

One of my favorite surround scenes is the opening battle sequence in Master and Commander DTS. The pounding from the cannons will make your chest hurt, and the flying of debris through your speakers will make you want to duck! That is the first thing I play when showing my system to someone. They always freak out, it's pretty funny to watch.

Welcome to the forums by the way! :)


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