Gizmodo reports storing PS3 game saves online is a go



Audioholic Jedi
Still not sure if $50 is worth it for this feature.

Playstation Plus subscribers will get 150MB of online storage space to back up their PS3 saves, meaning if you upgrade to another console (or go to a friend's house), you can still have access to your Killzone 3 progress. What's even better is that it supports "copy-prohibited" save data, the ones where you can't just dump onto a USB drive and transfer to another PS3. You can get PS Plus for $50 a year or $18 for 3 months.


Audioholic Samurai
Well at least this latest firmware update isn't a security update. Here's a little info on how to use this feature:

To back-up:

1. Select [Game] > [Save Data Utility].
2. Focus on the save data you wish to back up.
3. Open up the option menu using “triangle” and select [Copy].
4. Select [Online Storage] as the destination of back up.

To copy:

1. Select [Game] > [Save Data Utility] > [Online Storage].
2. Focus on the save data you wish to copy.
3. Open up an option menu using “triangle” and select [Copy].


Audioholic Jedi
Would have been nice to have this when I swapped my first HDD. I lost nearly all of my data from that because my backup/restore did not work.
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
What's really lame is the whole copy protected save could back up your saves to an external device however often you felt like if they weren't protected :/


Audioholic Jedi
I only have two games so far that have copy protected saves. Not a big deal, but it is kind of annoying that they did that.
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
Yeah, I only tried to copy a few maybe a year or so ago, and I think only a couple were protected. A few months ago I bought a red wii and sold my white one to my sister, and roughly half my saves were protected and I couldn't copy or move them which was really lame :(

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