The price on the 10 channel unit is steep. But, given that I'll probably never have a perfect room, I might have to put that on the equity line and consider it a home renovation. LOL.
If you get a 2 channel piece, definitely consider the 2.2. The way it alllows you to seamlessly integrate subs into a 2 channel system is nothing short of amazing. In addition to giving you full control over the crossovers, the room correction deals with all of the other problems normally associated with 2.1 or 2.2 systems. You can finally have a 2.2 system that sounds like an integrated unit in an ideal room. No overstatement there.
I also like the fact that the TACT can be used as a digital processor only. You can have the TACT do all the processing and send a corrected digital signal to an external DAC. I'm doing that right now and sending the signal through a TEAC Esoteric DAC and then through my EAR tube preamp. I let the TACT handle the subs. It also has an excellent EQ if you are so inclined.
The TACT software is also extremely easy to use. Choose your crossover settings, set up the mic in your listening position, let the program send out 20-95 sweep tones from each speaker and pick your desired frequency response (or create your own... fun stuff for gearheads).