HOLY MOLY is all I can say. This is one eye popping disc visually. The SD DVD was already good, but this is wow, just wow. The audio is right up there among the best I've heard on any disc as well, with a Japanese DD-EX track and a DTS-ES track, both sounding quite impressive. Honestly, it is better than Iron Man or Transformers! There is a PCM track on there that I am unable to listen to at this time; waiting to pick up a player with internal decoding so I can listen to it in all its glory. Good thing it is such a solid disc too, because it was an expensive Japanese import. I picked it up used for a partial trade + cash on another forum and I am not disappointed. I haven't even watched the whole thing yet and now I can't wait to! There will be a US release which will apparently feature an English track, but this one features only Japanese audio with subtitles just as the former SD DVD did. Fans will definitely want to pick this one up, it is a complete no brainer.