Is it time for a little Kumbaya?
Nibhaz didn't say you were insecure, he said "posts such as yours
suggest insecurity". And, if you read
my initial posting again, nowhere do you see that I stated "Klipsch isn't good for music reproduction". What I did write was that a good portion of Klipsch offerings "tend to lack a bit on musical reproduction for a variety of reasons", nowhere did I say they suck, they blow or any other baseless derogatory terms. In fact,
contrary to this, I even
suggested a newer version of a Klipsch tower that falls within the criteria that Mike provided, so I'm really not sure where you're reading into my posting that all the speaker offerings by Klipsch are unfairly worded. My subjective thoughts on most of Klipsch's offerings are just that, take them for what they're worth...
You are absolutely correct in stating that speaker preference is subjective, one man's trash can easily be one man's treasure when it comes to listening preferences. And for the record, I'm not saying your speakers,speaker manufacturer or any other is trash!!
Your approach to building your system is exactly what you should be doing. As you're the one shelling out the dough and likely the one that's going to listen to it the most, you should get exactly what you want with whatever money you can spend.
I don't think Nibhaz's intent was any sort of "personal attack", on the contrary, I think he/she would rather the original poster (Mike) consider as many options as they can, keep an open mind if speaker purchases are in his future and fortunately, from Mike's last post, it looks like he is willing to do just that, which was the intent of my original post.
Let's get back on track and try to help Mike... -TD