I just wanted to have a thread dedicated to these series and see what others think about it.
Here's a copy/paste from my comment on another thread:
"As a hardcore Azimov fan, I am very much disappointed by the highly-anticipated Foundation series. The showrunner's decision to change the format to be about characters (vs. events based) goes against the core principle of Azimov's idea of the psychohistory concept. If this wasn't enough, he decided to "remix" events/characters/genders (the last one is the least of my concerns). The previous two episodes were clearly building up for the first Foundation Crisis, but since this is a remix, nothing makes sense, and no one behaves anywhere near the books. In short, I am in a firmly low opinion of the show and highly doubt that showrunners could make it a better version of the story (at this point, it resembles the book so little that might as well call it by some new name, inspired by Foundation books."
I'd also like to add a few reviews which I feel are very accurate from IMDB reviews for the TV show.
From a review titled "Foundation is a fraud " by odolyte-604-976850
"This TV serie has very few to do with Azimov's vision and books. Understand me, it's beautiful and full of CG effects and all, but the story is very far from the books (which is very sad because the books are... well... pretty great!). So far even, that i don't quite understand why they put Azimov name near it.
Even some core concepts of the book are used totally wrong. For instance Psycho-history in the book predicts future events bases on evolution of big sample of population while the movie explains that all the future of the foundation relies on the décisions of one person. This is a complete antagonism at the work of Isac Azimov.
It seems to me they put Azimov name's on this just to sell the show, but i think Azimov fans will find this as a real transgression of Azimov's work. Too bad, it could have been great... "
Here's my favorite one by someone named "alienlifeform," titled - "Episode 6 - It keeps getting worse"
"Diverse casting is a necessary component of global marketing. If you don't get it you are an idiot. If you don't like it, go back to your trailer park. On the other hand, the scripting has a definite white is bad, brown is good vibe. And where the hell are the Eastern Asians?
No adaptation is an accurate reflection of the book(s). Get over it. However, this is a very special kind of bad.
Having said that, this is a young adult soap opera version of Foundation. Right down to its awkward sexuality. If you don't fall into that demographic, you are going to really really hate it.
The story has been purged of its intellectuality, Injected profusely with sentimentality and spirituality. There is zero internal logic or consistency.
The writing, dialogue, and acting are Saturday morning cartoon atrocious. The direction of the live action sequences equals the syfi networkat its worse.
Bottom line: empty eye candy."
Here's another one with the author who doesn't mince words and goes straight for the jugular, by FHMPlan, Titled "'Weak" would be a compliment for this abomination"
"For his sake, I hope Asimov chose for incineration cause else he'll resurrect and come to haunt the scriptwriters of this jumble of absurd political correctness mixed with irrelevant cliches . Another monumental screwup of some inept movie executives trying to "broaden", "target" or "convert" audiences, but most likely unknowingly desecrating one of the most iconic sci-fi universes."