Former NRA Pres. died @84



Audioholic Ninja
I will miss him, he's what Hollywood stood for eons ago. A consumate actor, statesman, and sportsman, Hollywood is not likely to see the likes of this man again, as the older generation passes away so goes a piece of Americana, never to be replaced. The abomination called Hollywood is the perfect place for what passes itself as 'actors' today.


Audioholic Ninja
The only movie I remember him from is Bowling for Columbine:D:D:D
Charlton Heston was a true gentleman who helped many in his quiet way. I wish I could say the same about the abomination of a film maker that tried to trash him.


Audioholic Chief
R.I.P. A great actor and a great patriot.

We will carry on for you! "FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!!!!"


He was a great actor and American. The title of this thread doesn't do him enough justice. He had a long and very sucessful acting career.
Let's not forget some of the finest works on film; Ben Hur and The Ten Commandments. And who can forget The Planet of the Apes?

"Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"


Audioholic Chief
Farewell Charlton. You could act more with your eyes than anyone I can think of. His portrayal of Marc Anthony set the standard to this day. The last thing I remember from him was the comical 'I love ya man' bud commercials. He gave Hollywood a bit of balance with all the left leaning performers.

Ben-Hur, The Ten Commandments, Agony and the Ecstasy, the list of great performances is almost endless.


Audioholic Ninja
Heston's autobiography is a wonderful document...In The Arena. It is highly recommended. If only we all had the courage, kindness, respect for others and other admirable qualities that he did. He was one of the first major stars to support Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement. He was a patriot that served in the Air Force during WWII and was always a positive believer in the the potential goodness of this country. Beyond his huge body of acclaimed acting work, he was a gentle and loving man.

Those who do not mourn his loss did not know him.


Senior Audioholic
RIP Mr Heston...a true gentleman and conservative, I guess now the left can get the gun out of his hands!


One of the greatest actors to ever grace the screen....He will be missed....


Audioholic Ninja
Farewell Charlton. You could act more with your eyes than anyone I can think of. His portrayal of Marc Anthony set the standard to this day. The last thing I remember from him was the comical 'I love ya man' bud commercials. He gave Hollywood a bit of balance with all the left leaning performers.

Ben-Hur, The Ten Commandments, Agony and the Ecstasy, the list of great performances is almost endless.
I don't know if you saw the IMDB site for him, his works list is phenomenal:

Check it out, fantasic.

Why anyone would mention Michael Moore in the same breath as this icon is besides me.

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