Focal Chorus 826v series vs Arendal 1723 speakers



I currently have the focal chorus 826v towers, 800cc center channel, axiom qs8s, and polk in-ceiling speakers in my 11.1 dedicated home theater. I was looking to purchase the Arendal 1723 monitors, center channel, and surrounds. Would this be a worthy upgrade? I have a Denon x3700h receiver, svs pb 2000 pro sub, outlaw audio 5000 amp, 2 channel amp, and let the receiver handle the four height (atmos) channels in my setup. Usage- 80% gaming, 20% movies. No music listening. Any input would be appreciated. Home theater room is approximately 2400 cubic feet.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
While my guess is that the Arendals are the better speaker, I don't think they would be good enough to warrant an upgrade in your case. In a 2400 cubic feet room, the Sonus Faber speakers should have all the dynamic range that you could want. The Axiom qs8s, on the other hand, are definitely worth replacing, in my opinion. They are not an appropriate design for modern surround sound mixes. You should look at something with much more controlled directivity.


Ok thanks for the reply shady. I will look into the Sonus Faber speakers.


Audioholic Jedi
Ok thanks for the reply shady. I will look into the Sonus Faber speakers.
I was wondering where he got the Sonus Faber from.....think I did see another post today mentioning Sonus Faber speakers and considering something new, tho....Sonus Faber can be nice, but from what I've seen are pretty pricey and concentrate a lot on the furniture aspect.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Ok thanks for the reply shady. I will look into the Sonus Faber speakers.
oh crap, I got that wrong. I somehow switched Focal with Sonus Faber. I meant to say that I don't think that the Arendal speakers are worth upgrading from your Focal speakers unless you had a larger room. Forget I said Sonus Faber, and definitely do not look into switching to that brand unless you have a lot of extra money!


Np problem. Yeah I looked at them, definitely do not have that kind of money. But, I am looking to replace my qs8s for some direct radiating side and rear surrounds and some height speakers that can be aimed at the MLP.


Audioholic Spartan
Np problem. Yeah I looked at them, definitely do not have that kind of money. But, I am looking to replace my qs8s for some direct radiating side and rear surrounds and some height speakers that can be aimed at the MLP.
Then look at Focal for surrounds the 605

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