The word "floobydust" recently was used in another thread. But the word has a very different meaning than it would first appear:
In the 1976 National Semiconductor - Audio Handbook the word “Floobydust” is defined as:
“Floobydust” is a contemporary term derived from the archaic Latin miscellaneus, whose
disputed history probably springs from Greek origins (influenced, of course, by Egyptian
linguists) - meaning here “a mixed bag.”
Later in 1991 Bob Pease (RIP)(Staff Scientist at National Semiconductor) defined the word in his
Book “Troubleshooting Analog Circuits” as:
“Floobydust” is an old expression around our lab that means potpourri, catch-all, or miscellaneous. In this chapter, I’ll throw into the “Floobydust” category a collection of philosophical items, such as advice about planning your troubleshooting, and practical hints about computers and instruments.
Bob Pease (RIP) sometimes used the word in his columns in Electronic Design Magazine.