Hi. Was hoping someone could help me out with this. I currently have my PS2 running through my receiver (analog audio/video) out to my tv via monitor out (with s-video). Every now and then, the screen will flicker when I have it hooked up this way. If I unplug it and runi it straight to the tv (with the analog cables) it's fine. So I'm wondering where the problem lies. It's got to be either a) a problem with the receiver or b) a problem with the s-video cable. Since the receiver is only about a month old and is a fairly nice piece (a Marantz SR8400), my hope is that it's the s-video cable. However, not knowing much about video signals is why I'm questioning here. Can faulty cables produce that flicker? Or, from anyone's experience, does that sound more like a problem with the signal being passed through the receiver to the tv...could the signal be degrading. The flicker is slight and goes away...it starts to flicker, does so for a matter of seconds, then goes away.
I'm hoping to just go out and buy and new s-video cable and see if that fixes it, but if anyone here can tell me that doing so is a waste of time as it sounds like a receiver problem, I'd appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.