Here is a thread created though not related. it is one that is starting to get interesting in terms of LCD vs. Plasma and my opinion about the Sony LCD Bravia line or any LCD over 42in.
In a nutshell though buying a tv is like buying a car in many ways.
1. How much can you afford.
2. Quality (ie. Pioneer Elite, Panny etc) vs. Quanity (Vizio, Akai)
3. Room size and applications.
4. Light conditions.
5. Are asthetics important to you?
6. Size of TV you need vs. want
7. What are your viewing habits? Allot of movie watching and HD content? or simply catch up on the news and weather channels stuff.
8. Consider your source of content, sattellite, cable etc.
9. Finally and perhaps most importantly, whatever you think looks good and works best for your needs and applications is the one you should consider.
Sure a Kia can take you to your destination, but wouldn't a luxury import look much nicer on the way there? As the old saying get for what you pay for.
Vizio, Maxtent, Akai, Sampo, Olevia etc. sure they can provide you a cheap display but are you getting all you can out of it?
Keep in mind there are only 3-4 panel manufactures in the world and all used by the big brand names including those from korea, china, tawain etc factories that spit out these other cheap name panels. However this is where you as the consumer pay the difference. the "cheaper" brand companies don't have no where near the research and development, video scalers and quality of materials as the bigger boys. They are like the cookie cutter manfucatures of the world. Ever wonder why Visio can afford to provide you with a 1 year "in home service" because you will need it. They eventually use cheap materials, poor video scalers, etc.
All virtually have the same panels but the MAJOR difference is in the engineering research, circuitry, video scalers, internal components and quality of materials.