I would definitely pick anything over LG at this point. I have been thoroughly unimpressed with LG engineering. But, that may just be me. For LCD, Sony and Sharp would be near the top of my list. Keep in mind... in the bedroom, and 'erie glowing power button' becomes an 'obnoxious, always on nightlight'
Case in point - I have a Samsung plasma in the bedroom, and the light that didn't seem so bad in the showroom, lit up my bedroom at night from floor to ceiling - no problem. I ended up having to cut electrical tape out in a circle shape and putting it around the darn power light! It isn't obnoxious anymore, but still very slightly visible... and the tape looks bad.
Moreso, the image isn't all that hot.
With a choice, go for something you will be happy with 5 or 7 or more years from now. 1080p almost is pointless unless you are putting it at the foot of your bed... but many LCDs are that resolution now and may be worth getting.