Hi, I am somewhat new to the audio scene. I know a lot about how digital side of audio works, e.g. the importance of a DAC, DSP, what PCM audio is, how it works, and what *should* sound better in a purely scientific manner.
However when it comes to the analog side of audio, and actually listening rather than observing, I am a complete newbie. I am currently in the process of taking my first steps away from HTIB solutions, as I have previously just relied upon them in the past.
I recently bought a Pioneer 816 receiver and a set of polk RM6750 speakers from fry's electronics. I was totally amazed at what $450 could do compared to most $1,000+ HTIB solutions out there. Absolutely the clearest audio I have ever heard outside of a movie theater, and in my own home no less. Obviously the so called "name brand" speaker setups (e.g. bose, sony, etc) aren't as great as they claim to be.
So I figure if $200 polk speakers can be this clear, then what could a $650 (my newly allocated budget) set of speakers do? Unfortunately it seems that most of the "underground" favored speaker brands, (which I am told are the best bang for your buck,) are beyond the range of auditioning, so I must rely entirely upon the opinions of others. That leads me here.