first post SVS SB-12-NSB



been reading this site for years, just never registered before, but now i am stuck. pulled the trigger on a SVS SB-12-NSB. Got the small one 14 cubed. the bigger one was back-ordered and didnt want to wait. now not so sure.
Onkyo 607 7.2 reciever, paradigm millenia 300 tower fronts, paradigm millenia 20 trio center and high fronts,
def tech 2002 surrounds, 2 paradigm PDR 10 subs.
14x14 room with cathedral ceiling. Did i screw up?
should i have waited for the bigger SB-12? moving one of the PDR-10's to the .2 sub. thanks for the brainstorming!!


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Are you sitting in the center of the room? If so, it could be you are in a bass null. Repositioning the SB12 might help, look into "sub-crawling" method of subwoofer placement. It also might be a calibration issue in your AVR. Something else, which I think is a stronger possibility, is that a sealed 12" sub simply isn't going to be adding that much to your two 10" subs. It should be a improvement, and noticeable one at that, but I don't think it would be a huge step up to what you had before. If you wanted that, will will need to upgrade to something a lot more powerful, and probably a lot larger. The ported subs from SVS is what you should have been looking at. Also the ported subs from Outlaw Audio, Hsu Research, Rythmik, and Elemental Designs, to name a few.


Speaker of the House
Staff member
You can keep both Paradigm subs while running your SVS sub as well, just get a RCA Y-splitter on the second sub out in your receiver.


Audioholic General
For a room that size the SB12-NSD probably wasn't your best pick but have you even received it yet? Maybe it's just how I'm reading your post but it sounds like you ordered it but haven't got it yet.


price point

yes i have just ordered the SB-12 and could back out.
the price point is like 700 dollars for the PLUS
and is out of my price range. the bigger SB-12 with the ports is not available till 2nd quarter 2011 and is 200 more than this sub. plus i don't want to wait that long.
the paradigm PBR-10 subs work pretty good so i think this
SVS SB-12 would add some jam up bass?? probably hook up all three as i have 7.2 and can daisy chain the SVS sub.


Audioholic General
There will be no SB-12 with ports because SB stands for Sealed Box if I understand it all correctly. You'd be looking at a PB-10 or PB-12 for example which would be better suited to a large space.

It's not an enormous room, a bit bigger than what I have an SB12-NSD in but you're also looking for home theater usage where mine is purely music. It will probably work but it's possible it will be at the upper limit of what that sub can do. Of course, to be quite honest, I've yet to haul my SB12-NSD in to the HT to see how it handles the larger space, which is much bigger than 14x14.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
i have an sb12nsd in a room that's around 3500 cubic feet in volume with folding doors and glass doors all around. it has not problems filling the room (the sb12nsd has better limiters than the old sb12plus).

that said, with HT, nothing beats the ported subwoofers, even the cheaper pb10nsd would provide more low frequency SPL.

i do like the midbass punch the SB subs give though.


hey thanks emorphiem and mike c.

thanks guys,
sorry about the SB-PB are both so right.
i thought about the PB-10 because of the ports, but the
wife factor came into play also. the paradigm's PBR-10's
are 14"x 14" and fit perfect in the room. the SB-12 is about the same size. the HT is in the corner with a half wall on the otherside at about 12 ft. so its kinda like my little enclave of the house. of course wife raised hell about the 2 subs initally but cooled off. what i really want is the PB-12 when it comes out in may but
it is massive compaired to the sb-12. i really hope i
will be happy with the sb-12 and you all sound like you are pleased with it. I was tap-city with the Paradigm stuff with deep discount and still at 1,500 for fronts and center but they are awesome sounding even with the
lesser Paradigm PBR-10 subs. got my fingers crossed
on the SVS. thanks so much for your insight. greatly appreciated!!
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
if the footprint is your only problem, get a ported cylinder from SVS
if the wife is part of the problem ...

then the SB is your best bet.


Audioholic General
if the footprint is your only problem, get a ported cylinder from SVS
if the wife is part of the problem ...

then the SB is your best bet.
What, no get rid of the wife option? :D
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
What, no get rid of the wife option? :D
ever since i got the wife a gun, i've had a stiff neck from looking over my shoulder to see who's peeking at what i'm typing :)

i remember way back we've discussed the SB12Plus, now that i've put the SB12NSD through the paces, i can say that the SB12NSD is a sub i can use for myself (the SB12Plus wasn't) it's limiter is a lot quieter/smoother than the SB12Plus because the latter really let's you know that it's running out of gas.

and i tried the SB12Plus in a 2.6k cu ft room and the SB12NSD in a 3.5k cubic room with negligible walls composed of glass and wooden dividers.


Audioholic General
That's really good to know, I didn't really think I was anywhere near pushing the limits of my SB12NSD but I did wonder how far the little guy could go.



good to see such a sense of humor on
you should have seen her face when the paradigm millinna 300 fronts came UPS. he he. before that is was dinky bookshelf speakers. i tend to crank my music early in the AM and she REALLY likes that. she's a trooper though even though she is tone deaf. she knows i have to have my tunes or i would go nuts! NEVER would i buy her a Glock.....
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
That's really good to know, I didn't really think I was anywhere near pushing the limits of my SB12NSD but I did wonder how far the little guy could go.
oh i didn't know you ended up with the SB12NSD. i thought you had gotten the SB12Plus :)


Audioholic General
I lusted after the original SB12 but never did anything. I would love to hear the SB12Plus no doubt but at that price I'd be considering other options or waiting for a better listening environment/setup where I can go a step further. There's also the minor technical detail: the plus isn't out yet as far as I know!
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
I lusted after the original SB12 but never did anything. I would love to hear the SB12Plus no doubt but at that price I'd be considering other options or waiting for a better listening environment/setup where I can go a step further. There's also the minor technical detail: the plus isn't out yet as far as I know!
yeah, i'm excited to get a personal unit of the SB13Plus myself :)
ideal would be an SB16Ultra


Audioholic General
I'll pay shipping for whichever sub you retire next :D

good to see such a sense of humor on
you should have seen her face when the paradigm millinna 300 fronts came UPS. he he. before that is was dinky bookshelf speakers. i tend to crank my music early in the AM and she REALLY likes that. she's a trooper though even though she is tone deaf. she knows i have to have my tunes or i would go nuts! NEVER would i buy her a Glock.....
Well I sure as heck try to not be too serious around here, always good to have some fun! By the way, definitely looking forward to hearing what you think of your SB12NSD.


Audioholic Ninja
good to see such a sense of humor on
NEVER would i buy her a Glock.....

LOL !!!!

Call SVS - they are more then happy to make sure the customer gets what he wants or needs....

Ask about any B-Stock products they may have...
Ultimately if that room is closed off, not open to other areas... then its 2300^3 and their SB12 will do a pretty good job in there, you just won't be getting content below 20hz for movies....

Nice to see they upgraded the that sub -to hit rougly 20hz instead of rolling off at 25hz like it used to.... they are good products, and can pound it out pretty well for their pricepoint... I always had to tell my son to turn it down upstairs... after he wouldn't listen, I just cranked up my XLERATORS and drowned his stuff out - with his doors closed.... :D


funny tidbit...

you guys will enjoy this story,
so i got all the paradigm stuff set up and one night was cranking ZZ Top. I'm 55 right. So the neighbor kid who is
like 25 comes over at like 11pm and says "do you mind turning it down a little, its too loud in the cul-de-sac".
har har, now ain't that a upside down, topsy tervy, situation. I think i'll love the new sub, and i read on their (SVS) site i have a 45 day guarantee. i'll say this about SVS they probably have the slickest web-site i have seen. i feel confident now about the decision!!!


Junior Audioholic
you should have seen her face when the paradigm millinna 300 fronts came UPS. he he. before that is was dinky bookshelf speakers..
Wow, you are in a tough situation. Those Millenia 300's are the most sexy slim towers. I want some in my living room because I think they would look beautiful!

Guess you never would have gotten away with full-size towers :eek:

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