I found this the other day and thought it might be useful to others: "build date : 2008-04-17 PDP TV HPT 34/54 series Firmware This firmware will correct the following phenomenons some units may experience. -. Intermittent Audio Drop-Out with HDMI connection The firmware will be updated to the following version. -. HPT4034 : 1049 or 1004 -. HPT4254 : 1049 or 1004 -. HPT5034 : 1049 or 1010 -. HPT5054 : 1049 or 1010 Please be sure to read the instruction before beginning the update process." http://www.samsung.com/us/support/download/supportDownDetail.do?group=televisions&type=televisions&subtype=plasmatv&model_nm=HP-T4254&language=&cate_type=all&mType=FM&dType=D&vType=R&cttID=1904285&prd_ia_cd=02010200&disp_nm=HP-T4254