Next to the pathetic excuse for a finale 'Scape fans had to endure, I'd say Lexx was #2 on the crappy finale meter. What a load!

Killing Kai in that manner served no purpose, and Prince & the whaco president flying off- WTF was up with that? In Lexx, there is no such thing as "implausible." They established that there are only so many "genotypes" (forget the term Lexx used) in universe, and they were constantly running into "copies" of individuals. I'd suggest that merely pretending the crappy last episode ever occured would be the best option (like I did with "Highlander 2"

The first 4 original Lexx movies were VERY hard to find for awhile, but there must be a new source/reissue/asian reissue, because I'm starting to see them now. They're out on DVD but difficult to track down. On the up side, Eva shows a bit more skin that Xenia!
As much as I loved "Buffy", the main character did develop "Alley McBeal Syndrom" as the show went on. I was getting tired of seeing here mope down the lane with sad music playing, constantly weeping over some guy. And the resurrection was goofy, but again, in a show like that it's never really implausible. Anway, there was only two seasons after that. I really thought the first 3 seasons were best- it was never as good after they graduated HS.