

Senior Audioholic
Just bought Fallout New Vegas xbox and ps3 today. I purchased the Collectors Edition game and Collectors Edition Guide. I'm going to start playing in a few....any other Fallout fans out there?!?!?


Audioholic Slumlord
YES !!!!!!!!! LOVE FALLOUT 3 - finished all DLC's !!!


Senior Audioholic
Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games. I have all the DLC too! That rifle you get on Operation Anchorage kicks some A$$. Sometimes when I'm bored, I go explore the wasteland....its kinda relaxing. Nice graphics and music.

Man, I can't wait to start New Vegas today. Too bad I have work tomorrow.


Senior Audioholic
Fallout 3 is one of my favorite PS3 games. Since this one seems like more of the same (judging by the reviews I've read), I'll pick it up later this week.


Senior Audioholic
So far I like it a lot. It definitely has the same feel as Fallout 3, but it fixes some of the issues. I like it. It's also a nice change of environment. The Collectors edition is pretty darn cool. One of the coolest I've seen thus far.


Senior Audioholic
Looking forward to some updates/patches. Lots of bugs so far. Enemies stuck in rocks (easy to kill lol) and game froze once so far.


Audioholic Slumlord
Looking forward to some updates/patches. Lots of bugs so far. Enemies stuck in rocks (easy to kill lol) and game froze once so far.
I saw this already at least once, thou I couldn't kill it, but it didn't matter as other than visually it "disappeared" :D

Just Killed Benny and got the Platinum chip; Still hasn't decided what to do with it :D


Audioholic General
I saw this already at least once, thou I couldn't kill it, but it didn't matter as other than visually it "disappeared" :D

Just Killed Benny and got the Platinum chip; Still hasn't decided what to do with it :D
So many options, and you don't even know which one is the heroic choice. The players in the game are a little to vague. All I want to do is fly in the bomber at Nellis....:(


Audioholic Slumlord
So many options, and you don't even know which one is the heroic choice. The players in the game are a little to vague. All I want to do is fly in the bomber at Nellis....:(
I know, but giving it to Mr.House for 1000 caps, after he spent over 800k recovering it first place, seems like way too cheap. I think I'm not going to do this :rolleyes:


Senior Audioholic
how did you guys adjust your attributes in the beginning of the game? I hate starting a game just to find out there's a way better build that allows you to maxout everything.

Anyone have glitches with your arm and rifle raising up high for no reason (FP mode)? This happens to me all the time and it obstructs my view.


Audioholic General
how did you guys adjust your attributes in the beginning of the game? I hate starting a game just to find out there's a way better build that allows you to maxout everything.

Anyone have glitches with your arm and rifle raising up high for no reason (FP mode)? This happens to me all the time and it obstructs my view.
I have the arm thing, after useing my VATS all the time, it's super annoying.

Also as soon as possible I maxed out science and speech. Speech is extremely useful and can save you a bunch of time. I'm an energy weapon nut so I headed to the brotherhood of steel as fast as possible. I find I'm saving the game over and over just in case I make a stupid decision that screws me out of rep with a faction.


Senior Audioholic
I have the arm thing, after useing my VATS all the time, it's super annoying.

Also as soon as possible I maxed out science and speech. Speech is extremely useful and can save you a bunch of time. I'm an energy weapon nut so I headed to the brotherhood of steel as fast as possible. I find I'm saving the game over and over just in case I make a stupid decision that screws me out of rep with a faction.
I haven't gone to far yet. Still figuring out how to level up my guy.

I had a nasty glitch today...I was walking around the NCR Prison and all of a sudden my character fell.....and landed in some water. i swam and when I got out of the water I was inside the prison lol.....they really need to update the game, it was horrible.


Senior Audioholic
One thing that threw me off initially is you get perks every other level, so you have to pick those a lot more closely...

I got the Platinum Chip too, but I already know what I'm going to do with it.

Trying to figure out what to do with the snow globes (I know you get cash for them) - seems to not be worth anything if you do certain tasks.

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