Hi everyone, first post here - I'm really lost with all this audio jargon. Here's what I'm trying to do - I want a system that can play records, casette tapes, and cds, and dvds. I'd also like to hook this system up to my PC, so I could watch movies on my computer using my soundsystem. Now, I already have speakers I'd like to use; they're logitech z-5300's; I know they're probably not great, but I've had them for a while, and I like them. I don't know what else I need, though; I see that recievers have built-in amplification, but does that mean I don't need the amp that came with my speakers, or that I don't need a reciever? And would I have to buy a soundcard? Like I said, I'm really lost. Ideally, I want the system to be kind of independent of my PC, ::edit:: but be able to view dvds through it.