This is my first post after spending considerable time surfing through many pages of posts.
I'm about to come out of the dark ages and purchase new A/V equipment and I'd like to get some feedback on my selection.
Sony Z Series KDL-40Z4100/B
Blu Ray
Panasonic DMP-BD35K
Yamaha RX-V863
Program Source
Currently DVR - Dish Network. Plan on upgrading to HD version.
Existing Equipment
- Mitsubishi VCR HS-U560
- JVC DVD XV-NA70BK (modified to play European discs)
- Sonance D5000 In-Wall Front Speakers
- B&W ASW 1000 Sub Woofer
- B&W LM1 Wall Mounted Rear Speakers
- B&W LCR6 S2 Center Speaker
In addition I'm rather confused as to how I should connect this equipment together and what cables I need to obtain the best picture. I also want to make sure I don't run into problems recording over-the-air programming.
Any guidance offered would be much appreciated.