Hey all, I really need some second opinions about what route to take here. I'm certainly the type that prior to any larger purchase, I research whatever I'm considering to death. I'm lost here though.
Anyway, I'm leaning towards at the Velodyne EQ-Max 15 for it's larger 15 inch driver with the hopes that it can reach a little lower than the PB12-NSD, when combined with its 750RMS amp vs the PB's 400RMS. In addition, it comes with a mic to Auto-EQ and balance its output in your room. I have no prior experience with larger subs so it needs to be commercial built.
On the flip side, I hear nothing but positive things about the PB12's output for its size, so it seems like a safe option. The thorough written review on this website for the PB-12-NSD leaves me longing for a more thorough written review on the EQ-Max 15. The video review is just too vague.
My current sub is the one that came with my Energy Take Classic speaker set, an 8 incher @ 200W (don't know if that's even RMS), so I'm sure EITHER of these would blow it out of the water, but if I'm going to bite the bullet here, I want to get the best I can for the money (that's commercial built).
Because of the weird shape of the room, I've included three pictures to give a better idea of dimensions. Thanks everybody