Line Array
First of all, they're a line-array, which does not sound like a conventional 2- or 3-driver array. I heard some Genesis line arrays that were mind-boggling, though they were dipoles and different from these.
The large number of drivers means each doesn't work much at all. The movements are so small that distortions become vanishingly small, even at loud volumes. Hearing a good line-array played loudly is amazing. Where conventional arrangements force their drivers to large excursions at volume, arrays don't. Further, the sweet spot can be gigantic, two and possibly three seats wide.
Many people listen to music that doesn't need the bottom octave flat. Many recordings have little to no information here. Thus, these speakers would be just as full-range with many recordings as a 20-20 offering. And, the criteria for rating 20-20 performance are not standardized and these claims are not always indicative of real-world performance.
Of course, they're expensive with all those high-quality drivers and coordinating the large number of drivers to one cohesive sound is a tricky engineering exercise, thus the high price.
I hope Sleestack gushes here when he gets 'em.