Although I am a current traditional speaker user, I chose "Line Array." I find the technology behind these concert blasting beasts awesome. The engineering behind them to make a truly great live performance in a HUGE open area is simply staggering. If you consider all of the things going against achieving good clean loud sound at a concert, these speakers, when designed, built and placed correctly can sound simply amazing. Without them we would be still watching live concerts with stacks and stacks of monitors shoving tons of distorted, cancelled out harmonics right into our ears, but with the advent of line array we can now hear clear, loud sound without having to listen to the wave form battle going on all around us. No matter how pure we like to listen to our music on a sweet 2 channel tube amp, don't we all still LOVE to go to a live concert? After all, isn't that we are all trying to achieve anyway? The sound of actually being there?
Rocket RS550 MKII's | Rocket RSC200 | Rocket ELT DPA's | Rocket SW-10SE | SVS 25-31PCi
The smile they put on my face? "Priceless."