1. Do you feel like their new Masquerade motorized masking system packaged with a screen for under $3,000 would be a good value?
I went to the Carada.com website to look at the product - nice implementation as I would expect. Carada built its online reputation by achieving high quality at a reasonable cost. My initial reaction is that the company's pricing of this unit follows that strategy, but I would ultimately judge whether it's a "good value" by rating its price, quality and features against competing systems. I haven't started researching this yet (but will now.)
2. Please rank the following characteristics related to a masking system in order of importance to you:
1 Aesthetic appeal
2 Engineering
3 Overall size
4 Price
5 Ease of installation
6 Adaptability to screen brands other than Carada
3. Have you considered purchasing a masking system from another manufacturer in the past? If so, what factors caused you not to purchase a masking system?
No. I didn't know they existed. But then again, I'm just now building my room, shopping for projectors and screens and hanging out in the audioholics.com forum to learn as much as I can.