Best I've heard? The Ref 3's. (Ref 1's and Ref 2's are amazing speakers too. Great clarity. Haven't heard the Ref .5's.)
Favorite AV123 product I own? Probably the 550's. My first purchase from them and still love 'em. The Bigfoot center channel runs a close second though.
Upcoming speaker I'm most intrigued by and hopeful of owning? Mini Strata. Not cheap by my standards, but based upon the components being used lots of bang for the buck.
What would I spend the $100 gift certificate on? The UL's. (Will buy them regardless just had to postpone my purchase because of moving expenses and new car purchase.) Again lots of bang for the buck with the UL's. I've only listened to a beta version. Reviews of audio performance have been very good, and I like their looks.
Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention that Mark is a pretty good guy. Bought me a Subway sandwich one time. Not only can I be bought, but I'm cheap.