I curranlt have the Energey Take 5 speakers, and they are powered by an Onkyo DS 777 anyhow what settings should the reciever be set up with as far as the crosover and speaker size? it seams that i have to turn it up fairly high to be loud... about -35db is where i normall watch movies on my JVC dvd player... also it is hooked up through the digital coax connection...
I just went downstairs to mess with it and try to get it into DTS mode, it wont play audo when i put the reciever in DTS... the JVC dvd player has the DTS emblem on the front, i went through the differant audi settings and you can choose 1 of these 3 PCM Only , Dolby Digital/PCM , Stream/PCM
which one would be the best... i am kind of in the dark when it comes to setting this stuff up... and i have more questions about the crossover on the sub but ill go one at a time here.... lol