Hello Everyone,
I am looking at the Emotiva XPA Gen3 amp.....I was looking at the owners manual and it says this....Do not connect a digital signal to the inputs of your XPA Gen3 ( or you may damage it or your speakers)
I know this is a dumb question so be kind lol.....So if I hook up to my Yamaha RX A2060 to the amp am I getting a digital signal or is the receiver taking care of it before it goes to the amp? Isn't Comcast sending a digital signal and my Apple TV has a Dolby Digital 5.1 and stereo format.....
On a side note anyone with a Yamaha Aventage receiver what's the trick to getting good music sound....I have tried everything it has only so so not bad music sound would like great sound...I mainly use Apple and online streaming music....
Yamaha RX-A2060 ( killer deal from Video Only)
Klipsch RF-711
Klipsch RC-6411( center)