+1 to keeping all your questions in a single thread.
I think this ties into one of your other issues/questions about an accurate rip. When I rip, it tells me that the rip was (or wasn't) accurate, and that offset is part of the process that makes that decision.
The guides should take you through how to set up that offset. It should be automatic, but it might be hit or miss. You have to use a disc that IS IN the accuraterip database to set it correctly automatically. The guide tells you to have a stack of discs for this process in case the first one doesn't work.
EAC Setup Guide
re-read this page very carefully. It will be just slightly different than what you are seeing as it is for a slightly older version. I just did all this a couple days ago and can confirm that it DOES WORK
Hope that gets you all set. EAC is nice and free, the tradeoff is that it isn't plug and play and requires some work to get it done. I'm not an expert, but got mine up from advice on this site, so hopefully I can pass it forward.