Hey all. I'm in the process of finishing out our HT room in our new home. Here's the skinny.
The room is 14' w X 21'L X 9't, in the basement, no windows. I am building a raised platform, 10-12" for the second row of seats. First row viewing distance will be right at 13' from the screen.
We have Dish Network 811 (HD) receiver w/HDMI connector, Samsung SD850 DVD w/HDMI, PS/2 w/ component and various other pieces.
My A/V receiver is a Yamaha RX-V800 that will have to do for the next few years. My ultimate goal is to upgrade the receiver to something along the lines of a RX-V2600, but that's later.
My questions:
1. Does anyone have experience with the Dwin Transvision 4? I really like the seperate processor for connecting components (10 connections), then only have one cable run to the projector. However, I DO NOT like the price tag.
2. Are there any DLP projectors that have the 1080p capability for around $2,000?
3. What are my options for an economical processor unit to connect all my gadgets?