hd newbie said:
Curious what everyone would recomment for me to set up my 50" Sony Wega KFE TV with from my satellite receiver... Either Monster DVI to HMDI cable or Ultralink Component wires .
While the KFE is a HDTV it ultimately displays your picture in analog (uses electrical current to determine shades/brightness of color) so you shouldn't see any appreciable difference in performance using HDMI vs. Component cables.
There are a few variables that come in to play here,
1) If you use Component and the device you have it hooked to doesn't support 720p/1080i/1080p resolutions over its component jacks then your picture will suffer vs. HDMI so it really depends.
2) The type of digital-to-analog converter your HDTV has, which could cause a slight increase or decrease in picture quality HDMI vs. component. The conversion from digital/analog will happen no matter which cable you choose either at your TV or the satellite box. So the internal converter in the satellite box or your HDTV has a part in this twisted tale.
If you are sure your satellite/dvd or receiver supports those resolutions then component is a very viable choice (and a much cheaper one).
When you get into discussions about copy protection (where component is non-compliant) then HDMI becomes the cable of choice. Length of your cable runs can also be an issue so be cautious when using HDMI cables over 10', at this length not all cables are created equal and can adversely effect your image quality. Component however, doesn't have any issues with length of cable runs.
Hope I've helped more than confused you
Enjoy your awesome HDTV!